This is the first of what I hope to be several tech tips, as I discover them, or tips for things I use on a daily basis.
This one came out of a podcast I was listening to, which I highly recommend, called Phones Show Chat. It can be found at Steve Litchfield’s Site.
They were talking about a setting in Android being hidden deeply in menus, so you had to go way down to find it. The setting in question was Pulse Light Notification. The Co-host, Ted Salmon was talking about this setting being buried deep in menus.
Something I use every day in Android, is the Search Settings feature. This can be found if you open Settings, then look towards the top right of the screen. I don’t know what it looks like visually, but Talkback, my screen reader, says Search Settings. If you tap that, you get a search box where you can start typing a setting. When I typed “Not” without the quotes, the first search item at the top of the screen was, you guessed it, Pulse Light Notification.
I highly recommend anyone who wants to get round settings in Android quickly, use this method, as it is sometimes quicker than clicking down several levels of menu items.
I hope this helps.