EsySuite is a very powerful software suite found inside Esytime, designed specifically for the education environment. It Transforms your Esytime into a notetaker which operates independently from windows 7.
Esysuite is easy to keep up to date and can be upgraded with new modules and features to meet the evolving needs of Braille users. It requires no Previous computer Knowledge and it has its own high Quality speech synthesizer.
Esysuite consists of several software modules:
- Esynote(text editing and Braille
Transcription) - Esyfile (file management)
- Esycalc (calculator)
- Esyschool (schedule management)
- EsyOCR (Optical Character Recognition)
- Esymath (tool supporting math problems and course)
- Esysuite consists of several software modules
- Esynote: manage different types of braille in the same document, such as 8-dot computer Braille, Grade 1 and Grade 2 (Contracted Braille), Mathematical (integrates scientific Calculations) Braille code and international Braille music code. it is possible to create a single printable document in Braille or in Black ink characters. esynote makes the conversion to optimize black ink printing.
- Esyfile:use the file manager to organize your files folders and sub folders.
- Esyschool: Manage your schedule and the tasks in the student assignment booklet.
- Esycalc: calculator
- EsyOCR: using this menu option combined with a simple scanner allows you o scan documents and display their content in braille or as audio output. esyOCR converts your esytime to a reading machine.
- Esymath: a unique tool supporting math problems and course tasks displaying them in black ink characters and braille or vice versa.
- Esytime also features access to the internet, plus an audio and Daisy player!
Please note, only sold with Esytime, or as an add-on for EsyTime owners.
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